My good friend, Brien, had gone to see the Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) theatre recently. He was in full of praise for the play, excitedly explaining every detail on the actors, the performance, the sophisticated set, interesting scenes and the beautiful stage. He strongly recommended us to go watch the show, "It’s your lost if you don’t go," he warned.
Just to tease him, I said half joking and half serious, that I don’t want to part with my hard earned money just to see someone in ‘kemban’ prancing around the stage. According to a certain director through her award winning films, most Malay women, especially in the kampongs, move around the house in ‘kemban’ while the men run around in their ‘seluar katok’ (underwear). Well, isn’t that a more original performance?
If you talk about love, these kampong folk’s affections are even greater than the love of the PGL and her half Malay-half mat salleh warrior in the musical version. These people have no qualm in showing their affections, albeit a bit x-rated to the comfort of a simple person’s mind, and towards each other in front of anybody who would care to see including their own kids and maids. Dressed (or is it undressed?) in ‘kemban’ and ‘seluar katok’, they would play ‘kejar mengejar’ around the house in broad daylight that will end up in "geletek menggeletek" (tickling) each other.
And mind you, the director through her observation of her own parents did this finding. So, I guess it’s a study truly based on facts. Who are we to say otherwise?
So, said I, if I can watch that ‘performance’ for free (all I have to do is visit any Malay couples’ house in the kampong), why should I pay a fortune to watch PGL-The Musical? These performances are more original; perform by real live actors, spontaneous with no scripts, directors or stage managers. Besides, this is also to proof that Malays are a romantic lot! Who can now accuse the Malays of not being romantic?
Brien was visibly annoyed with me, "You horrible woman! (his trademark expression/line when he teases or when he gets slightly annoyed with anyone). I don’t want to talk to you!" He said.
Jangan marah Brien, nanti kena jual! Hehhehhehheh…!! (follow P.Ramle and Ahmad Nisfu’s laughter in Tiga Abdul while making a deal to sell each other).
Yang sebenarnya, aku dah malas nak pergi tengok teater ni semua Brien oiiiii!!!!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Posted by
mak aji
10:53 AM
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Salam kenal utk mak aji,
saya bukan nak komen pasal kemban, tp entri kasih ayah menyentuh hati.sama yg dialami anak saya..kes anak saya ni, say yang pergi sekolah sebab kalau ayahnya yg pergi bergegar sekolah gamaknya..untuk perkongsian maklumat, menurut laporan guru merupakan golongan yang tertinggi sakit jiwa .betul ke tidak Allah saja yang tau..NONA
Salam perkenalan juga buat Nona. Terima kasih kerana sudi menjengah blog saya.
Saya sebenarnya amat menghormati golongan guru. Tanpa mereka siapalah kita. Tapi kadang-kadang saya rasa guru-guru kena banyak pergi kursus psikologi atau stress management.
kalau nak tulis ni boleh buat satu posting.
Salam Mak Aji,AN duduk kampung. Kalau kes kemban ni dulu-dulu zaman mak-mak masa diorang muda2 ye lah kemban macam tu. Sekarang dah tak nampak dah kat kampung ni, jadi mana rasionalnya orang kampung dok berkemban macam dalam cite PGL tu ek? :-)
Thanks for reading my blog. Ni dah jumpa ni, nampak intersting blog mak aji ni. Kena datang selalu agaknya ni. :-)
Salam juga buat AN. Wah, rasa teruja bila blogger famous macam AN sudi jengah dan tinggalkan komen di sini. jemputlah datang selalu. Tapi yang sebenarnya saya merapu sahaja yang banyaknya.
Saya pun sebenarnya tak nampak orang dok berkemban ke sana sini di kampung-kampung kecuali satu dua kes terpinggir. Yang "berkemban" dok jalan sana sini kat KL ni banyaklah.
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